
Cameroonian Press Review of Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Dear subscribers, good morning, and thank you once again for renewing your trust in us this morning for this review of national and international press! As every morning, find below the analysis of information as reported in both traditional and digital media.

la revue de press
Revue de presse du 03 janvier 2024 (c) Droits réservés

Cameroon Tribune – Paul Biya to Cameroonians: “Difficulties have not diminished my determination.” In his message to the Nation last Sunday on the occasion of the end of the year 2023 and the New Year 2024, the President of the Republic conducted a comprehensive and candid assessment of the past year, while presenting opportunities to seize in the upcoming one. Despite various global crises and internal challenges, the country continues its path towards emergence through the implementation of multiple projects. Read the full presidential speech, our editorial, and our initial analyses. pp.2-13

Meyomessala – Corruption and embezzlement of public funds: Intensified fight in 2024. In his message to the Nation on the occasion of the end of the year 2023 and the New Year, President Paul Biya made this option imperative for the preservation of public resources and the improvement of the business climate. In this perspective, the Head of State intends to take all necessary measures to ensure the independence and smooth functioning of the judicial system. Pp.6-7

Economic News

Nouvel Horizon – Dairy & Fish. The Minister of Livestock, Fisheries, and Animal Industries (Minepia), Dr. Taïga, and his counterpart from the Ministry of Commerce, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, have signed a financing agreement of XAF 130 billion with the Bridgin Foundation, a Belgian foundation. The agreement was signed in the presence of the Prime Minister, Joseph Dion Ngute.

Sans Détour – Mbalam-Kribi-Nabeba Railway: Ngallè Bibéhè and Fuh Calistus Gentry on a strategic mission in China. This took place on December 28 in Beijing, during the mobilization meeting of partners for the launch in 2024 of the integrated project for the exploitation of iron ores from Avima, Badondo, Nabeba, and Mbalam, as well as the construction of the Mbalam-Kribi-Nabeba railway and a mineral terminal at the port of Kribi.

L’Info à Chaud – MIJEF 2035 Program of IAI-Cameroon: The milestone of 800,000 trained individuals reached. Nearly 200 women from Bengbis have just received their certificates of completion within the framework of the MIJEF 2035 program, in the presence of a strong delegation from CERAC, local elites, and authorities. The milestone of 800,000 people trained in ICTs by IAI-Cameroon across the national territory has been achieved, thanks to the valuable support of the National Godmother of MIJEF2035, Mrs. Chantal BIYA. P.3

Pour approfondir :   Cameroonian Press Review - Friday, January 5, 2024

L’Essor – Marie de Yaoundé 2: Large budgets, constant yield, low output. Considered one of the most profitable districts in the capital through its various commercial sectors, with colossal budgets for flawless operation, the Yaoundé 2 (Tsinga) city council has never met the expectations of its population. Municipal agents, placed in every alley, engage in scams and extortion of resourceful youth, such as motorbike taxi riders and street vendors.

Le Jour – Cameroon: Now, pay taxes to get a visa. Since January 1, 2024, the effective date of the 2024 finance law, anyone wishing to obtain a visa to leave the country from a foreign embassy must present a “tax compliance certificate” (TCC). P.6 To delve deeper: Jean Paul Choun Nyat: “I fed Equinoxe, and it’s Equinoxe that spat on me.”

Le Pelican – Construction of the Mbalam-Kribi railway and mineral terminal at the port of Kribi: Cameroon, Congo, and China in sync. Under the impetus of their leaders, the three countries launched this significant project on December 28, 2023, in Beijing, China. The project aims to facilitate the transportation of over 100 million tons of iron ore per year, generating more than 20,000 direct and indirect jobs, as well as over XAF 20 billion in tax revenue annually between Cameroon and Congo. During the ceremony, Chinese companies each presented their expertise and achievements in the construction of railways and mineral terminals. The Cameroonian delegation was led by the Minister of Transport, Jean Ernest Masséna NGALLE BIBEHE, accompanied by the Acting Minister of Mines, Industry, and Technological Development, Pr. FUH Calistus Gentry, and the Cameroonian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. On the Congolese side, the delegation was led by the Minister of State in charge of mining industries and geology, Pierre OBA.

Social News

Cameroon Tribune – Bakassi: Peace reigns. Security problems that were recurrent at the beginning of Cameroon’s sovereignty over the peninsula have given way to economic activities. However, significant infrastructure and development projects remain challenges for authorities in the region. Read the accounts from our special envoys. pp.4-5.

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Cameroon Tribune – AFCON Preparation: Indomitable Lions at work. The Cameroon team held its first training sessions in Djeddah, Saudi Arabia, where the squad is gradually expanding. Players continue to arrive with the friendly match against Zambia scheduled for January 9 on their minds. P.30.

Nouvel Horizon: Joseph Beti Assomo: The Tireless. The tireless Minister Delegate to the Presidency in charge of Defense, Joseph Beti Assomo, presided over the ceremony in Douala for the award of epaulets to the promoted members of the defense forces for the first semester of the 2024 budget year. Over 600 officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted personnel received their epaulets from the Mindef, general officers, and other high-ranking members of the defense and security forces. The ceremony took place in the presence of many distinguished guests and a crowd of families. Page 5.

L’Essor – Fally Ipupa’s Concert: Total Fiasco. While the Congolese music star believed he was highly appreciated by Cameroonians, he was surprised to see that his concert, at the invitation of the Cameroonian Telecommunications Company (Camtel), was ignored by almost the entire population of Douala, with the stadium completely empty.

Highway Yaoundé-Douala: Race against time to launch phase 2 in 2024, as announced by Paul Biya. In his address to the nation on the occasion of the end of 2023 and the New Year 2024, President Paul Biya announced the start, “in the upcoming year,” of phase 2 of the Yaoundé-Douala highway construction project. With this announcement, the government has less than 12 months to conclude an agreement with the private partner tasked with the project, as the State has opted for a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for the second phase. (

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Cameroonian press review of January 2, 2024

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Cameroonian Press Review – Thursday, January 4, 2024