Rakim Mayers, popularly known as A$AP Rocky and Rihanna’s long time partner is accused of firing gun at a former childhood friend Terrell Ephron in a November 2021 incident, to which the rapper pleaded the not guilty to two counts of assault with a semi- automatic fire arm.
According to Independent UK, a video brought in as evidence by the prosecution showed a physical altercation between two men, with two others intervening, when one of them wearing a black hoodie, identified by the prosection oas Rakim Mayers- pulls out a gun and points it, but does not fire. The prosecution further proceeded that, Rakim later at Ephron who followed him. However, Rakim’s defence lawyer argued Ephron followed him because he knew it was a prop gun and that Ephron was the real aggressor. Rocky had fired blank shots to stop him from attacking one of their A$AP crew members who was with him, which was why Ephron scraped his knuckles.
Sources reveal the trial comes after the 36 year old rapper turned down a final prosecution plea offer to plead guilty to one of his two felony counts and serve 180 days in prison and three years of probation. But Mayers maintains his innocence in this case.
It should be noted that if he is found guilty by jurors, A$AP could face a maximum jail sentence of 24 years. The trial is set to last three weeks.