Cameron Tribune leads with its headline Paul Biya to the Diplomatic Corps – “Our world needs more solidarity“. In response to the New Year wishes of the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps last Friday at the Unity Palace, the President of the Republic deplored the unilateralism that is increasingly being held up as a model and advocated for a a collaborative approach to address the challenges that affect the nation. The Head of State also received New Year wishes from the national constitutional bodies. The paper presents the full speech of the president during the ceremony which can read on page 2-10
Still on the front page the First Lady equally received New Year wishes on 11 January, 2025 received from spouses of members of the Diplomatic Corps and national dignitaries. The colourful ceremony at the Unity Palace brought together about 1,300 guests from all walks of life. Full details of the event from pages 12-17.
We move on to the newspaper l’Économie who titles on its frontpage Extractive industry Cameroon under threat of EITI deregistration. According to the newspaper, Cameroon already suspended from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), missed the December 2024 deadline to submit its 2022 activity report and now the government has requested for an extension until March 7 but no answer has been given. Find details on page 3.
The newspaper also reports on Algeria planning to open a shipping line with Cameroon to promote trade amongst both countries. Read page 7 for details.
The daily newspaper Le Drapeau titles on its front page Dual Identity simplified process for obtaining NIC. In response to the many challenges encountered by many Cameroonians with dual identity or parentage issues, the Delegate General for National Security is implementing concrete measures to make it easier to obtain the National Identity Card (NIC). This initiative, in line with instructions from President Paul Biya, aims to modernise the identification system and guarantee every citizen access to this essential document. See page 3 for details.
The Guardian Post focuses on the Bishops outcry of the country after 65years of independence. The newspaper reports that during the 48th annual Bishop seminar in Buea, the bishops denounced citizens increasingly living in misery as gov’t continues to increase taxes without improvement in public services , they decried organised plundering of country’s heritage, non-respect of Article 66 on declaration of assets, and they called for a renewed dialogue to address Anglophone crisis. See page 3 for full information.
The newspaper also features the induction ceremony of the new CBC Executive President who has vowed to foster peace, dev’t in the entire denomination. A proclamation that was made on Saturday January 11, 2025 at Nkwen Baptist Church in Bamenda. Details of the ceremony on page 8
Intégration highlights Cameroon’s electoral agenda 2025. Central Africa on edge. In the national and international public opinion, the succession context of Cameroon continues to inspire passions, forecasts and conjectures. According to some experts, what happens in Paul Biya’s country in October 2025 will have a major impact on the CEMAC region. Dive into the newspaper feature from page 9-10 feature.
La Nouvelle explores whether Paul Motaze is the hidden successor of Paul Biya for the 2025 presidential election. Find the full detail on this speculation on page 9.
ECONOMIC FINANCING, Mokom Ndi emphasizes the need for synergy between banks and financial intermediaries. This is the headline on the front page of Le Financier d’Afrique. It reports that the Managing Director of Stoneshed Asset Management believes that a solid partnership between these structures would increase bank liquidity, finance economic projects and attract new investors to the financial system, thereby broadening the bank customer base. More details can be found on page 7.
It also reports on Gabon whose support for media has significantly increased, with press aiding increasing from 150 to 500 millions fcfa. See page 11 for information.
This concludes the national press review this morning. Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow for another edition.