The residents of Bassamba, a village in the Nde division of the West Region were grippeed with shock after a tragic incident occurred within their vicinity. A man named Tchoungoup, popularly known as “Le Coeur de Lion,” opened fire and fatally shot his wife, Noumi Mispa, in the stomach.
According to media sources, the motive behind the despicable act remains unclear, but neighbors and Mispa’s parents however have confirmed that Tchoungoup had a history of violence towards his wife, prompting her to seek refuge at her parents’ home. It is then reported that following Tchoungoup’s unwillingness to accept his wife’s decision, he traced her to the restaurant she managed, hid, and then shot her.
Before succumbing to her injuries, Mispa identified her husband as the perpetrator of the heinous crime. Upon learning of the incident, the local population and gendarmes mobilized, but the suspect had already fled the scene.
This tragic incident is yet another case of femicide, a stark reality that continues to escalate, with an increasing number of women falling victim. During the biannual conference of regional governors earlier this month, it was revealed that over 66 women have been killed since the beginning of the year, either due to domestic violence or other forms of brutality, with the Minister of Territorial Administration emphasising that perpetrators of such heinous acts would be brought to justice. In light of this commitment, it is hoped that the fugitive husband will soon be apprehended and held accountable for his crime.