A highly anticipated Hindu festival, meant to end in joy turned into gloom in Prayagraj, North India on Wednesday. Pilgrims were trampled upon by other devotees who were rushing to participate in the sacred bathing ritual. According to authorities, 90 others were injured as reported by BBC
According to eyewitnesses recounting the event to BBC, “some devotees had been sleeping around the barricades of the Sangam nose – the point of confluence of the rivers – when the crowd rushed towards them, leading to the crush. As a result, people began to run in confusion, while many of them were wounded others had their clothes torn”.
Despite the tragedy, it however did little to discourage the huge crowd from attending the main event of the festival which began on 13 January. Reports confirm that approximately 50 million people were present for the sacred ritual.
Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi offered his condolences to the families of the deceased while many pilgrims continue searching and waiting to hear from their friends and relatives who are missing.
What is Kumbh Mela
The Kumbh Mela is a religious gathering rooted in Hindu mythology that centers on the purifying power of bathing in the sacred rivers. According to their beliefs pilgrims bathe in these rivers, believing the ritual cleanses their sins and brings them closer to spiritual liberation helping them attain salvation. This festival happens every 12 years at Sangam, the confluence of three sacred rivers – the Ganges (Ganga), Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati.
This religious gathering is said to draw tens of millions of Hindu pilgrims and spiritual seekers from India and across the globe. It is equally considered the largest religious gathering in the world. Though the holy bath is the main of the gathering, the event is also a vibrant carnival of faith, where people from all walks of lives meet to celebrate.