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Norwegian court extends the detention of separatist leader Lucas Ayaba Cho

Lucas Ayaba Cho, the Cameroonian separatist leader accused of crimes against humanity, will remain in detention until 10 February 2025. For the third time since September 2024, Norwegian justice has extended the detention of the Cameroonian seperatist.

Lucas Ayaba Cho
Lucas Ayaba Cho - DR

Remanded in custody since 25 September 2024, Lucas Ayaba Cho’s detention has been extended until 10 February next year. The Norwegian courts have once again decided to extend the pre-trial detention of the Cameroonian separatist leader. This new decision, which comes after two previous extensions reflecting the seriousness of the charges against him.

The court also extended the restrictions on visits and correspondence during detention. Lucas Ayaba Cho could regain his freedom if the prosecution or the court so decides, but according to the prosecutor, his release could jeopardise the investigation due to the risk of evidence destruction or influencing interference. Suspected of crimes against humanity in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, the head of the Ambazonia Governing Council is accused of orchestrating acts of violence in the North-West and South-West of the country, regions that have been plagued by separatist conflict since 2016.

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Arrested on 25 September 2024, his pre-trial detention has been extended for the third time by the Norwegian justice system, which has set a new deadline of 10 February 2025. Lucas Ayaba Cho, known for his radicalism, has lived in Norway for several years and also holds German nationality. If convicted, this English-speaking separatist faces up to 21 years in prison. International NGOs have denounced his alleged role at the head of the Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF), a group accused of numerous abuses. The conclusions of the ongoing investigation remains unknown.

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