
The Cameroonian press review of Tuesday December 26, 2023

Dear subscribers, hello and thank you for once again renewing your trust in us this morning, as part of this review of the national and international press! Like every morning, find below a breakdown of the information as published in the traditional and digital press.

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L’élite – RDPC Ndé-Nord Section: 2023 Assessment and 2024 Perspective. Satisfactory in terms of holding statutory meetings, celebration of party festivals, occupation and territorial coverage with enrollment of new members, animation of bodies basic, supervision and political training of activists, social actions, the assessment of the year which ends was presented during the coordination meeting, extended to the OFRDPC and OJRDPC Sections, chaired by Minister Célestine Ketcha Courtès, President of the said Section. Intense in more than one way, this quantum of activities of rare intensity is eloquent witness to the dynamism announced for the 2024 financial year on the eve of important electoral deadlines.

Economic news

Direct Info – Board of Directors of the NGO Fis Cameroon: Renewed confidence. On the occasion of the second session of the Board of Directors of the NGO FIS Cameroon, held on December 20, 2023 in Yaoundé, the Executive Director, Bertrand Kampoer, solemnly received the congratulations of his very senior hierarchy, for the satisfactory results recorded during the 2022-2023 financial year.

L’info à chaud – Christmas celebration in Cameroon: Households spend 579.02% of their monthly income. According to the latest results of the WorldRemit Cost of… Christmas study, Cameroon is one of the nine countries whose households spend the highest percentage of their income on Christmas festivities.

La République Presse – Local development: The Renaissance budget. Held on December 19, the ordinary session of the municipal council devoted to the examination and adoption of the budget of the district municipality of Yaoundé VI for the 2024 financial year, augurs well for the future here. The envelope of two billion, nine hundred and seventy-six million, six hundred and six thousand, eight hundred (2,976,606,800) CFA francs to be collected, is intended for the continuation and completion of the priority projects of Mayor Jacques Yoki Onana, within the framework improving the environment and living conditions of the populations.

Social news

  • Réalités Plus – Archbishop Jean Mbarga of Yaoundé stated, “Instead of blessing homosexual couples, we will invite them to conversion.” This follows a declaration by Archbishop Andrew Nkea of Bamenda, President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon, on December 21, opposing the blessing of homosexual couples as directed by Pope Francis three days earlier. In an exclusive interview with Dimanche Midi on CRTV, Archbishop Mbarga was clear: “We maintain our stance, urging homosexual couples to convert according to the Holy Scriptures.”
Pour approfondir :   Cameroonian Press Review - Friday, January 5, 2024


  • Ouest Échos – The blessing for homosexual couples is facing resistance in Africa, raising questions about the extent of African bishops’ opposition. This issue stems from the Pope’s decision influenced by the gay lobby, potentially leading to a clash of cultures and a cultural war. This situation highlights the tension between global religious directives and regional cultural norms.

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