The Tsinga Gendarmerie delivered a significant blow to crime in the Nkomkana area by breaking up a group of young offenders. These individuals, aged 17 to 25, were causing fear in the area through violent attacks with bladed weapons.
After several complaints from local residents about repeated assaults, armed robberies, and growing insecurity in the neighborhood, the gendarmerie took action. The suspects, armed with machetes and knives, were apprehended after a thorough investigation and discreet surveillance operations. The arrest took place smoothly, putting an end to the gang’s criminal activities.
A persistent problem in many neighborhoods
Violent attacks by youth gangs have sadly become a recurring issue in many neighborhoods of Yaoundé. These crimes significantly affect residents’ quality of life and damage the capital’s reputation. In light of this growing crime rate, authorities are calling for increased vigilance and cooperation from the public. It is equally very vital to report any suspicious activities to help law enforcement respond promptly and effectively. Sadly, tackling juvenile delinquency remains a major challenge for Cameroonian authorities.